Burn From Within

Managing Careers At Facebook and Starting A Business During A Pandemic - AJ Mizes

Matt Garrow-Fisher Season 1 Episode 35
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00:00 | 49:07

On this week’s episode, I have AJ Mizes, who left his job at Facebook in San Francisco as a Global People & HR Leader to start his company The Human Reach in the middle of the pandemic (talk about taking risks). 

AJ is a Career & Leadership Coach & HR Consultant and reached out to me as he loved some of the episodes on the Burn From Within show and he shared so many practical tips from real experience in his own career (the good stuff he gives to his own clients), I had to share them with you all. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How to land jobs that on paper you are not fully qualified or have the experience for
  • 3 solid tips to prepare for your interview to get hired
  • Top ideas to consider for a career change
  • How to improve fulfillment in your current job before having to quit
  • Improving your chances of promotion dramatically by deciding on one of three buckets for your career growth
  • How can people at smaller organisations get their managers to take their career progression more seriously rather than just keeping their head down and getting tasks done?
  • How can you work more effectively when remote working and make it actually work?
  • How can you communicate with your employer to create more balance when you feel you need more time for your family or other things in your life?
  • What’s the one thing that’s made AJ Mizes burn from within?


  1. Register for AJ Mizes' awesome free weekly web class here
  2. Connect with AJ via his company at The Human Reach here and his LinkedIn profile here
  3. Check out the Burn From Within episode I discussed at the end called The Guide To Making Big Decision With No Regrets if you want to learn about taking regrets with no regrets here