Burn From Within

Why Did I Start Burn From Within And What Is It About? - Matt Garrow-Fisher

Matt Garrow-Fisher Season 1 Episode 20

In this episode, I finally uncover where the concept of Burn From Within came from.
I talk about one of the key root causes for unhappiness and misery in people's lives - their career or lifestyle.

Many people are seemingly in a position financially and intellectually to work out they need and can change but often they don't do it until something painful happens, like a heart attack, breakup, death of a loved one or job loss.

I discuss two more proactive approaches as a catalyst for change that don't require these painful events and can help people make their change journeys smoother.

I also explain my background in interviewing people and uncovering stories, and noticing patterns with my years of decoding the difference that makes the difference in NLP that lead me on this path to the Burn From Within show.

Finally, I  explain what the 3 key elements are to a happy life, and what it means to Burn From Within, and why everyone wants to be there.


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