Burn From Within
Burn From Within
What energises you and what drains your energy? Psychometric test results analysed - Therese Toohey
I talk to Therese Toohey from the Byron Bay area of Australia who is a career strategist to leaders all over the world, helping them to be more congruent and true to themselves so they accelerate their careers through conscious leadership.
I hired Therese after having several people who recommended her as a coach, and Therese helped me unpack my strengths and weaknesses in a more meaningful way. Many of us have done the psychometric tests like Myers-Briggs, DISC profiling, etc but how does this help us when it comes to changing career or even starting a business or new lifestyle?
In this episode we discuss:
- How psychometric testing can help you in your career development, career change and finding more meaning in your work
- Using the Strength Profile psychometric test and why this is a particularly helpful test for career advancement and career change
- Jumping into my Strength Profile psychometric test results and making sense of them
- The key differences between your realised strengths, unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses, and what you can do with this information to have more energy and feel more lit up inside each day
- The concept of conscious leadership and conscious careers in having a long-term sustainable career path
- What’s the one thing that makes Therese Toohey burn from within?
If you want to pause this episode and follow along even more, you can download my Strength Profile psychometric test results and follow along while listening to the show to understand this powerful self awareness tool to the next level by burnfromwithin.com/strengths
The full show notes and videos of other interviews are available at burnfromwithin.com/interviews - so listen all the way through and enjoy!
- Download Matt's Strength Profile psychometric test results here - follow along the analysis of them in the show
- Get your Strengths Profile (Expert) too - buy now to understand what energises you and drains your energy. Essential for making a decision on the next career path you take
- Connect directly with Therese Toohey via her website - Therese is a phenomenal coach for both career leadership, advancement and can also help you interpret your Strengths Profile so you can become aware of what lights you up inside.
If you want to understand what dims your light and how you could become aware of what can light you up inside, book a free 20-minute consultation call with me here.
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